
Field Notes: Walt Disney World’s Innovative Use of Space Helps Make the World a Better Place

Last week we traveled to Hong Kong Disneyland to see how they use green waste to sprout new life throughout the resort’s landscaping. This week, we’re heading to Orlando to learn how Walt Disney World is helping power the resort with renewable energy, and providing a sanctuary for pollinator populations in Central Florida.

In today’s Field Notes episode, Dr. Zak takes us on a tour of one of Walt Disney World’s solar facilities where Disney is harnessing the energy from the sun to help power the resort, all while creating habitats for the bees, butterflies and bugs that pollinate the world outside of it. Pollinators include insects and other animals that help plant life – an indispensable part of our food supply – proliferate and thrive. Have you enjoyed a strawberry or blueberry lately? That was the direct result of a pollinator! So, adding acres and acres of native plants throughout the solar fields not only protects pollinators, it also helps protect our natural habitats and our way of life – and it’s all accomplished while producing clean power to help meet Walt Disney World’s energy needs!

Walt Disney World’s solar facility makes an incredibly smart use of space: providing habitats for backyard wildlife, while also offsetting carbon emissions through renewable energy production. The solar facility and pollinator fields represent just some of the ways our resorts are applying the ingenuity within our parks and resorts to help better the world outside of them. To learn more, check out our 2030 environmental goals and see how else we’re helping take better care of the planet we share. Happy Earth Day!

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